
APC Egg Producers' Committee

The APC Egg Producers’ Committee was established in 2002 after egg producers voted to replace the levy collected under the Poultry Industry (Trust Fund) Act with a Fee for Service under the Agricultural Produce Commission Act. 

The Committee covers all Western Australian egg producers.

Committee Membership

The Committee consists of three members all of whom are egg producers.

Committee members are elected for a three year period with terms commencing in June and ending in May of the relevant year. Members may apply for re-election once their period of tenure has expired.

When positions becomes vacant the Commission calls for applications from growers who might be interested in applying for membership on the Committee.  This is done by placing advertisements in statewide newspapers, on the APC website and in relevant industry newsletters. Should you have an interest in applying, please contact the Commission at and your name will be placed on a register of interested persons.

In line with good committee governance, the Committee strives to achieve a balanced and diverse board, with members possessing experience in a range of areas.

  • Member | Current Terms | Email / Phone

  • Chairperson
    Ian Wilson | 2022 - 2025 | 0409 081 705

  • Brendan Bell | 2022 - 2025 |

  • Committee Secretary
    Rachel Wilson | | 0434 941 220

  • Industry Association
    The Commercial Egg Producers Association of WA Inc. | | 0434 941 220

  • All terms are three years commencing in June and ending in May (unless otherwise stated)


The Committee is enabled to provide all services (a) to (m) listed under Functions of an APC Producers’ Committee.

Each year the Committee calls for Expressions of Interest in relation to suggestions on how the Committee should direct its activities (within the confines of the APC Service Functions) for the coming financial year.

Should you have any suggestions or feedback please contact the Committee Secretary, Rachel Wilson on

Services undertaken by the Committee:

The committee does not have a budget for the 2022/23 year as the committee has expended all funds held by the committee. These funds were the funds transferred to the committee on the repeal of the Poultry Industry (Trust Fund) Act. The committee has not chosen to impose any charge on producers at this time.

A report on Committee initiatives can be found in the APC Annual Report.

Fee for Service

The Poultry Industry (Trust Fund) Act 1947 was repealed on 31 January 2005 with the reserve funds of the Trust transferred to the APC Egg producers’ committee for benefit of the egg producing industry. 

To date the committee has not introduced Fee for Service charges, electing instead to fund committee initiatives from funds that were transferred to the committee on the repeal of the Poultry Industry (Trust Fund) Act 1947.


Collection of the WA egg industry Fee for Service will be governed by the Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006.

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