Carnarvon Banana

APC Carnarvon Banana Producers' Committee 

The APC Carnarvon Banana Producers’ Committee was established in 1999 to administer the voluntary insurance scheme that compensates producers for events as identified in the scheme rules.

Previously the scheme operated under the Carnarvon Banana Industry (Compensation Trust Fund) Act 1961.

Due to the increasing threat of exotic banana diseases, Carnarvon banana producers in December 2001 voted for the following changes:

  • Expand the potential services provided by the Committee from (f) to include all the service functions listed (a) to (m) under Functions of an APC Producers’ Committee.

  • Revise the Scheme Rules of the voluntary insurance scheme established under Section 12.1(f) to include compensation payments to Scheme members for banana crop destruction resulting from an eradication response to a pest or disease.

  • To raise a new Fee for Service to provide funding for implementation of the Biosecurity Plan.

With the introduction of the National Banana Levy, which captures funds for Western Australian bio-security, the committee resolved to suspend the bio-security Fee for Service as of 1 April 2009. The current APC Carnarvon Banana Compensation and Protection Scheme Rules 1999 can be found here. Compensation Payments made under the Scheme can be found here.

Committee Membership

The committee consists of six members, all of whom are Carnarvon banana producers.

Committee members are elected for a three year period with terms commencing in June and ending in May of the relevant year. Members may apply for re-election once their period of tenure has expired.

When positions become vacant the Commission calls for applications from growers who might be interested in applying for membership on the Committee.  This is done by placing advertisements in statewide newspapers, on the APC website and in relevant industry newsletters. Should you have an interest in applying, please contact the Commission at and your name will be placed on a register of interested persons. 

In line with good committee governance, the Committee strives to achieve a balanced and diverse board, with members possessing experience in a range of areas.

  • Member | Current Terms | Email / Phone

  • Chairperson
    John Kearney | 2022 - 2025 |  0419 749 620

  • Darryl Hardman | 2023 - 2025 |

  • Byron Sutcliffe | 2023 - 2025 |

  • Michael Andreoli | 2021 - 2024 |

  • Wayne Whitcroft | 2021 - 2024 |

  • Glenn Harper | 2022 - 2025 |

  • Executive Officer
    Nic Cuthbert | | 0429 111 329

  • All terms are three years commencing in June (unless otherwise stated)


The Committee is enabled to provide services (a) to (m) as listed under Functions of an APC Producers’ Committee.

Services undertaken by the Committee

The Committee uses Fee for Service funds to respond to events as identified in the scheme rules.

The proposed Services to be provided for 2022/2023 includes the following activities:

  • Administrative support to the committee

  • APC admin charge.

A review of committee activity can be found in the  APC Annual Report.

A table of previous compensation payments is also available here.

Fee for Service

The growers agreed in 2016, that as a result of the significant compensation payments to growers for Cyclone Olwyn ($2.5m), the FFS charge should be increased in order for the fund to be replenished.

As of 1 July 2016 the Fee for Service applicable to Carnarvon banana producers is:

  • 30 cents per 13 kilogram banana equivalent (20 cents for cyclone/storm compensation and 0 cents for bio-security).

  • Fee for Service converted to kilogram = $0.023 per kg.

Fee for Service Returns are remitted electronically in a Microsoft Excel Return Form.


Collection of Carnarvon banana producers’ Fee for Service is regulated by the Agricultural Produce (Horticultural Industry) Regulations 2001.


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